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Corpus Christi Women's Clinic

Board Certified OB-GYN & Advanced Nurse Practitioners located in Corpus Christi, TX

Chances are, you’ve had questions about your sexual, developmental, or reproductive health. At Corpus Christi Women’s Clinic in Corpus Christi, Texas, the team specializes in gynecology for women of all ages and can answer questions about menstruation, sexuality, conditions affecting your reproductive system, and more. Book your next annual exam or clinical gynecology visit by phone or online at Corpus Christi Women’s Clinic today.

Gynecology Q & A

What is gynecology?

Gynecology is a medical specialty with an emphasis on the female reproductive system. The team at Corpus Christi Women’s Clinic includes board-certified gynecologists as well as advanced nurse practitioners with extensive knowledge of gynecological functioning and care. 

The team at Corpus Christi Women’s Clinic provides both routine, preventive gynecological care and treatments for gynecological conditions. They teach you about your body, and how it works, so you have a better understanding of your own sexual and reproductive health from puberty to menopause and beyond.

Which gynecology services can I get?

Corpus Christi Women’s Clinic offers a comprehensive list of gynecological diagnostic services as well as surgical and nonsurgical treatments. 

One of the most important gynecological services is your annual preventive women’s visit, which includes a general physical exam, pelvic exam, and basic breast exam. This visit also includes a Pap smear, which is a screening test for cervical cancer.

In addition to or during your annual visit, Corpus Christi Women’s Clinic offers:

  • Contraception management
  • Preconception counseling
  • STD Screening
  • Hormone evaluation - consultation
  • Surgical consultation

If you undergo a diagnostic test or screening at Corpus Christi Women’s Clinic, the team helps you interpret the results. If you need further treatment, they explain your options in detail so you can make a well-informed decision. They also provide follow-up visits and ongoing management for chronic conditions that require medications or surgery.

Which conditions does gynecology address?

Gynecology involves the diagnosis and treatment of various conditions and complications involving the female reproductive system and the urinary system too. They also address complications with the female breasts.

If you experience symptoms like pelvic pain, abnormal bleeding, urinary incontinence, or sexual dysfunction of any kind, the Corpus Christi Women’s Clinic team performs tests and examinations in order to make a diagnosis. 

A few conditions that they specialize in diagnosing and treating are:

  • Menstrual dysfunction
  • Menopausal symptoms and osteoporosis
  • Endometriosis
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Pelvic Pain
  • Pelvic inflammatory diseases
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

The team at Corpus Christi Women’s Clinic can also answer your questions about your sexuality and reproductive health. They combine compassion and expertise in order to provide you with welcoming, personalized gynecological care.

Book your next annual exam or clinical gynecology visit by phone or online at Corpus Christi Women’s Clinic today.